Why you need a Life Coach
Improved Relationships
How to find good friends, how to handle a mean girl culture and what to do when friends hurt, reject or betray you is a challenge for all young women. Sometimes we choose isolation when we feel defeated in our relationships. 73% of Gen Z report feeling alone sometimes or always. And the effects of loneliness can be as damaging to your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Social isolation is causing profound anxiety & depression. The good news: there is an art to friendships and we all want to feel loved, known and seen. Working together we can get you reconnected with a renewed sense of purpose and vigor for your life.
Reach your highest potential
My favorite scripture is Matthew 5:15-16. It says that we put a lamp on a stand where it gives light to everyone in the house; not under a basket where it remains hidden. We all have a light to sine, we just need to lean into your purpose and path by developing that inner gps system that guides you to shine.
Women often experience overthinking, comparison, judgment, rejection and self-doubt. These emotions aren't bad, but we can't allow them to control us or determine how we respond to our circumstances. Life coaching helps you dissect those thoughts and emotions so that we can get you back in the driver's seat of your own life.
Connection & Conversation
86% of college leaders believe social media is extremely influential in the demand for mental health services, followed by decreased socialization skills caused by COVID-19 (74%). A coach can help you untangle things in your mind so that you can begin to see your next steps. It just starts with connection & conversations. Loneliness stays alive when you keep it hidden - in fact it can cause even greater separation and isolation. Start by talking to a coach and then we will move to deeper connections within your own social circle.
Coaching vs Therapy
We love a good therapy session, but with all due respect we think a coach is a great option for young women in college, and here are some of our very compelling reasons:
A coach will guide you to high performance levels and life satisfaction by providing practical, real life applicable solutions rather than letting you talk your way into the best answer.
A coach can focus on future goals whereas a therapist will spend more time reiterating and retelling the story of the past to alleviate the presenting symptoms.
Coaching focuses on self-exploration, self-knowledge, and better self-management. Therapy seeks to heal wounds.
Most therapy is diagnostic based. They are looking to diagnose a problem that needs to be solved. Coaching takes a person who is already highly functioning to the next level.
How do I get started?
30 min
Free1 hr
100 US dollars